
Dear Colleagues,
Soil is not only an important natural resource, it is also the main archive of the entire history of mankind. All civilizations, on all continents, arose, developed and collapsed on the soil. People influenced the soil, changed it —created cultural layers, ploughed, grazed cattle. They cut down trees, changed riverbeds, and created or drained lakes—that is, they completely changed the original landscape, primarily soil and vegetation. Consequently, in soils and soil-sedimentary deposits, a huge information pool has been preserved about the economic, household and ritual activities of people in the past.
We invite all specialists working in the field of archaeological soil science and geoarchaeology to send their articles so that colleagues can benefit from their results. We have no restrictions on research methods — everything new will be welcomed. Articles that have taken an integrated approach will be especially welcome, as the
results are usually the most informative and interesting in this case.

 Prof. Dr. Alexandra A. Golyeva,
Russian Academy of Science


Understanding the Earth’s origin and its bio-geological evolution, the multiple implications of the geosciences (as a coherentset of interconnected disciplines), and the sociocultural and ethical interdisciplinary approaches, will be crucial for a better understanding of Nature, and also for undertaking scientificallybased political decisions. We are committed to drive Geosciences to a position in which it is recognized for its high-quality, cutting-edge research and scientific influence, and strongly encourage and invite your participation and manuscripts.

Prof. Dr. Jesus Martinez-Frias,

Instituto de Geociencias, IGEO
(CSIC-UCM), C/ Del Doctor Severo
Ochoa 7, Edificio
Entrepabellones 7 y 8, 28040
Madrid, Spain


Site: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/geosciences/special_issues/soils_archives

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 March 2021.